Book discription

short summary on only what I will write on blogger: Gold, aliens, superpowers, bad guys, what more do you want? When a kid named James finds aliens, he gets there superabilities and there looks. He can also change from a human to an alien and back whenever he wants. James was showing the city his superabilities, another alien gets in his way and plans to take over the world. Does James save the world from ending or will this be his last day on Earth? Read this mindblowing adventure from your soon-to-be favorite author, Reuben Hopper, to find out.

short sumary on the whole book (I am only writing some of it on blogger):For those who think life is just to be the most popular kid at school, get rich, or to be happy for what you've done. what you think... is wrong. Life is about a race... a kind of race that will determin the next god of a Universe. A test of skills, determination, and pure power. It's not just any race... it's a diamond race...



go to the bottom

The first chapter is on the bottom!!! dont start from the top!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010



    James took out the phone and dialed 911. A lady picked up the phone and said, "911, what’s your emergency?"
    "Yes ma'am, my friend just got swept into the sand dunes! I think he's dead!" James lied and was panting to make the call not look fake.
    "When did this happen."
    "Just now. We were walking deep into the dunes. I couldn't see him 'cuss the dust was in my eyes. I heard him scream so I looked down and wiped my eyes and his whole body was in the sand except for his head. I tried to help him out but he just fell right in and now he's dead!"
    "What is your address?”
    "It's 197 West St."
    "We will be on our way"
    They hung up and James waited at his front window for the ambulance to come. Now that the ambulance is coming, James won't have to bother with telling his parents that their son has died.
    The sky began to cloud up and it started to rain. The water dripped sadly on the window. It was like even god was crying because Kaden died. James watched the bigger rain droplet eat the smaller rain droplet as it slit down the window. Finally the ambulance came. Its lights were blurry from the rain droplets but you could still hear the siren ring in your ears. Two men and one girl doctor rushed out of the ambulance for James door. James hopped off the couch next to the window that he was sitting on and ran to open the door. The doctors knocked on the door before James could get to it. When he reached the door he opened it for the doctors. James simply knew what to do and rushed outside to get in the ambulance so they could take him to Kaden house. The doctors followed James and hopped in with him.
    "So kid, where’s your friend live?” said one of the doctors.
    "Take a right out of my street.” James said and the driver copied the turns. Go five blocks down to the right. His house is the green one two houses down to the left.
    The doctors made it to Kadens' house and silently stopped in the road next to Boozer's front yard. Again, they all rushed out of the ambulance for their door. One of the male Doctors rung the door bell and waited for the door to open. A couple seconds later Kadens' mom worriedly opened the door.
    "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but your son had just died.

    James, Kadens' friends, and his relatives all gathered around Kadens' gravestone. Everyone whore black. People where crying. A priest said some verses from the Bible and talked about Kaden to calm down the crowd.
    James was the only one not crying. Just if I could tell every one to shut up with their annoying whining and tell them that you'd all be dead too if he didn't die. James thought But if I said that, that would also kill everyone 'cuss, like Drunda said, it would go to the military that there's aliens.
    "Is there anyone who wants to make a speech or say some final words?” the priest finally said.
    Kadens' Mom stepped forward, still throbbing, and said, "Kaden lived a short life. I never dreamed of it ending so soon but life is life and you can not change the way it is."
    "Is that all?” asked the priest. No one stepped forward.
    The funeral ended with people placing flowers on the gravestone and saying prayers. Everyone left in his or her cars and James mom took him home. When they made it home James lay gently in his bead and went to sleep for tomorrow will be a school day.
    As usual, James packed his supplies and road the bus to school. Waiting at the schools front door was Hermit. They walked side by side to their first period class.
    "So, did you hear that Kaden died?” asked Hermit.
    "Ya, I know." James replied with a smirk on his face.
    They both entered Mr. Fragens class and sat in their assigned seats. James looked at the sad glare of Kadens' empty seat.
    "I know you all know that Kaden had just died in the sand dunes,” said Mr. Fragens. Then, a girl started to cry at the remembrance of his death and ran to the back of the room in tears. "But, were not going to be thinking about that 'cause we...” Mr. Fragens paused and tried to make it sound like the thing he is about to say is exciting. "...Are going to...” He paused again. "...A MUSEUM!” Mr. Fragens said while raising his hands in the air, looked strait up like there was something in the sky, and shouting heroically to try and get us excited.
    Everyone just stood their looking at him like he was an idiot that totally just embarrassed himself. Mr. Fragens heard the silence in the room and knew everyone thought he was stupid so he put his head and arms down with a complete notice of failure. Then, he coughed off the embarrassment and said, "Anyway, you'll need to pack up your supplies and go on the bus."
    The whole class agreed and packed up their school supplies.
    "This will be a fun journey to see history up close." James stated.
    "Yes, I wonder what kind of museum though. That would be cool if it was one of those museums with the dinosaurs and all that stuff.” Hermit said.
    "That would be cool, but the school doesn't have that much money."
    The class left the room, walked through the long school hallways, and went outside to the bus. The bus has steep stairs where you have to hold on to the railing so you don't slip. Hermit and James raced for the back of the bus to get the last seat where it's really bumpy over curves. They both got to the seat in an almost exact tie which caused Hermit to land in James lap.
    "Get off of me!” James yelled and pushed Hermit to the side, knocking him off the whole seat.
    "Hey! No fare! You cheated!” Hermit held back.
    "I got here first!"
    "No, I did!"
    "I was the one underneath!"
    "Oh, whatever. You won."
    "Ha.” James said in an in-your-face attitude.
    The bus started to emerge away from the school. James, sitting on the window seat, looked outside at the quickly accelerating movement of the concrete ground, which made James "stare off into space".
    The museum was just less than an "hour away" and when they got there everyone ran off the bus and waited at the front for further instructions.
    Mr. Fragens rose up his voice and said, "Students, this is The Museum of Egyptian History, today our tutor will be miss Latrisha Rarvara. Be very kind and don't be afraid of asking questions. You may proceed and enjoy the museum."
    The whole class followed Latrisha into the building. They entered a long hallway. The walls where painted gold. The top of the walls had wallpaper with green swirls on it. There were pictures hung up nicely with morals from the Egyptian time. Some of them had pictures of the gods holding staffs or cross-shaped keys with circles on them. They had animal heads but human bodies. Other pictures would have babies being thrown into water with alligators sticking their head out to eat them. These pictures where cruel. Other pictures showed what they thought heaven looked like.
    After they walked across the hall, they entered another room. This room was vast. Unlike the last room, this one had pharaoh’s caskets. They where shaped in a human form.
    One wall had a big painting of a pyramid and what it looked like inside. Pyramids are like big graves for the pharaoh. It was like a big maze so you can’t find the place where they hid the pharaoh.
    The last room they went into was a library. It wasn’t too big and it only had about ten shelves.
   Latrisha stopped and spoke to the class “These are all the books we have that where written from the Egyptians. They are not the exact ones found but they were copied and translated to English. If you want, you can look at one book.”
    All the kids quickly walked to the shelves to find a book. James scanned the shelf for the smallest book he could find for he wanted to finish it before they had to go. He found one that was excruciatingly only two pages. The title was very cool sounding. It was called, death that fell from the sky. James opened the book and read,

    The sky was blue in the day; it was very peaceful for me. I am a scribe for Egypt. Priests and I are the only people who know how to read and write. I keep records in Egypt. Suddenly, the sky rippled like when you through a pebble in the water. Instead of out coming a rock, out came a black dot. It soared straight for our flat earth. It started to get bigger and bigger as it came for us. I could start to make out wings.
    “Everyone! Pray for your life! The gods have gone mad!” said a man.
    They object hit earth as the earth trembled. This creature looked odd. This isn’t what we expected a god to look like!
    The creature turned around and looked at our temple in which the pharaoh lived in. It jumped up, opened its wing and flew right toward it at amazing speed. Now the creature was out of view and I couldn’t see what it was doing
    Moments later of waiting to see what was happening, the sky rippled again except, this time the object was
    The book just stopped right there. Not a single word was written after that. James took the book over to Latrisha and showed it to her. “Latrisha, why does this book just stop right here?” James asked pointing it out.
    Latrisha read the last paragraph and when she finished, her face had an expression that James knew meant she thought it was odd. “That is strange” Latrisha said with a voice of mystery.
    “Ok kids it’s time to go!” Mr. Fragens yelled.
    James took the book back from Latrisha and put it on the shelf in the correct location. The whole class loaded back up on the bus and sat down. Again, Hermit sat with James. The wheels on the bus started rolling and the bus moved with it. They started to head back to school.
    When they arrived, the class stood up and walked out of the bus’s exit in the front while forming a line.
    By now, it was time for lunch. Everyone went to the cafeteria and went in the lunch line. James wasn’t very hungry so he went in the ‘snack zone’ for a snack. He ordered a big cherry, vitamin water and went outside for recess.
    James sat down on a school bench to drink his vitamin water. He lifted the bottle up to his mouth and drank a big gulp. Then, the water bottle slammed into his face and the water splat all over his face and shirt. Someone must have hit the back of the bottle while he was drinking. While they were doing this they took the bottle. James looked to see who caused it. There they where with his bottle in hand. They had already screwed the cap on.
    “C’mon James! Come get your water bottle!” a kid yelled, waving the water bottle in his hand.
    James face became furious. He screamed like a kid with anger issues “GIVE ME MY VITAMIN WATER!!” James automatically charged at the kids at full speed. He tried to tackle the kid with the water bottle but he was too fast. The kid threw the water battle over James head and made it land right in another kid’s hands. James jolted forward for the next but by the time he was within arms reach from the next person, the kid threw it back to the same kid that had it last. They kept on throwing it back and forth like a wild game of ‘monkey in the middle’. Soon, more kids came in to help the first kids with torturing James.
    A whistle blew from behind them. Everyone turned around to look. It was one of the teachers that had to watch the kids during “lunch brake”.
    “What is all this ruckus?” the teacher asked all the kids.
    James stepped forward and said, “No one will give me my water bottle back!”
    “Is that so?” said the teacher. “Then who has James water bottle?”
    All the kids stepped aside laving a pathway for the teacher to see the last kid with the bottle. She went up the kid and tore it out of his hand. Then, she gave the bottle to James. “There, now go some where else and drink your water. James did so and later on school ended.

copy write date 2010

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