Book discription

short summary on only what I will write on blogger: Gold, aliens, superpowers, bad guys, what more do you want? When a kid named James finds aliens, he gets there superabilities and there looks. He can also change from a human to an alien and back whenever he wants. James was showing the city his superabilities, another alien gets in his way and plans to take over the world. Does James save the world from ending or will this be his last day on Earth? Read this mindblowing adventure from your soon-to-be favorite author, Reuben Hopper, to find out.

short sumary on the whole book (I am only writing some of it on blogger):For those who think life is just to be the most popular kid at school, get rich, or to be happy for what you've done. what you think... is wrong. Life is about a race... a kind of race that will determin the next god of a Universe. A test of skills, determination, and pure power. It's not just any race... it's a diamond race...



go to the bottom

The first chapter is on the bottom!!! dont start from the top!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010


    James made a river of tears. Drunda's massive hand patted James on the back to calm him down. "It's OK.", Drunda said with a happy face to calm him down. "I just saved the Universe."
    "What do you mean?", James said while trying to relax and stop crying.
    "Do you really want to learn how I just saved the Universe?"
    "Most definitely."
    "Well then, I guess this will be a good time to tell you so you don't have to suffer from Boozers death haunting you for the rest of your life. You probably didn't know that the military has created a very secret invisible missile. I knew that Kaden was going to tell someone about me because of my power to know whats going to happen an hour later. If he did tell someone about me then it would go to the military and they would blow my planet to pieces in a second."
    "How would they blow Ira into pieces in a second when it's probably a light year away. Even if the missile was invisible how would you dodge it."
    "Ira is not light years away. It is actually closer than Mars. Ira is a so small you couldn't even see it with the most advanced microscope in human history. The only way to find it is with one of our spaceship's planet tracking devises. To get into it  you have to touch a small black shrinking device that was made from God when he created the Universe. The black shrinking device will pull you in. When you enter you shrink a million times smaller. You can't feal yourself shrinking though. When you get inside you can see Ira. The planet is bright red with oceans of orange water. It's not as fascinating as Earth with its green trees and blue water but to you Ira would be a new sight. Any way, you don't feel the gravitational pull of Ira as soon as you enter the black shrinking device. You have about another mile till you enter the atmosphere. Oh yes! And to your other question, If someone fired a misile at the black shrinking device we would have enough time to blow it up. Our reactions and motions are five times faster than yours. I could fire some Iranite at the misile before it enters our atmosphere and it will blow up before it hits us. But if it's invisible we don't know it's coming!"
    "Have you proved the existence of God?"
    "Yes! Actually we have!"
    "Really? So all these times I was wrong? All those arguments I've had... those where wrong? I feel like such an oblivious!" How did you prove it?"
    "Well, all life is about is becoming a god. To become one you must find a black diamond in space and kill every living creature with a brain. Then the god we have will die. So practically all life is is a race... a diamond race. It's not to become the most popular kid in school, become rich, or have a good life on your planet. When you become a god you make your own universe and make a new challenge for your people you made to find the diamond.
    "But what about some of the fossils we've found that are millions of years old? How could those exist if our planet isn't that old."
    "That's because those fossils were there when God made the earth. God tricked you and made the DNA in it millions of years old but really - it's not."
    "And the stars. How could you see those if there millions of light years away!?"
    "That's only saying if that the light started at the stars. But really, the light started at earth. So it didn't even take a second for the light to get here 'cus it was already here when the Universe was created!"
    "I've never thought of it in that way. I feel so - stupid."
    "So, what do earthlings do when someone special dies?"
    "Kaden? Oh. I almost forgot about him. Well, we go to a grave yard and do some... stuff. I'm not too familiar with deaths."
    Well you better go do whatever you do 'cus if you don't his parents will get worried. Of course there going to be in shock half to death but you have to do it anyway."
    "OK. See you later. Thanks for saving the Universe.", James said with a crooked smile.
    James looked back at where Kaden's body used to be then left the den without saying another word. On his way back the sand didn't hit his face or body. It was like there was a shield around him the made the sand go around him. Drunda must have made this happen by moving the air around him so sand wouldn't touch him.

copy write dat 2010

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