Book discription

short summary on only what I will write on blogger: Gold, aliens, superpowers, bad guys, what more do you want? When a kid named James finds aliens, he gets there superabilities and there looks. He can also change from a human to an alien and back whenever he wants. James was showing the city his superabilities, another alien gets in his way and plans to take over the world. Does James save the world from ending or will this be his last day on Earth? Read this mindblowing adventure from your soon-to-be favorite author, Reuben Hopper, to find out.

short sumary on the whole book (I am only writing some of it on blogger):For those who think life is just to be the most popular kid at school, get rich, or to be happy for what you've done. what you think... is wrong. Life is about a race... a kind of race that will determin the next god of a Universe. A test of skills, determination, and pure power. It's not just any race... it's a diamond race...



go to the bottom

The first chapter is on the bottom!!! dont start from the top!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010



    James laid, relaxed on his sofa after the long day of school. He picked at his nails with his teeth; bored. I wish there was something to do, someone to talk to. James thought, it’s Monday and chess club is on Wednesday. That’s about the only thing that Hermit and I know what to do. Boozer’s gone. Aha! James sat up on his couch. That gives me an idea! I should go see Drunda in the sand dunes!

    James ran to his closet, put on some socks and shoes, and ran outside. He quickly opened the gate emerged in the ginormous steel wall. As like last time, a shield blocking all the wind and sand surrounded him. This made easy for James to move and see the small light that always directed his path to Drunda’s den.
    The trap door leading inside was always open for James. The light, as usual, turned off as soon as James stepped a foot inside the den. He gripped the ladder tight with his hands and watched his feet carefully so they wouldn’t trip.
    He jumped to the floor as he reached close to the bottom of the ladder. His eyes wondered the room to see if anything changed. The gold was still there; the little arched opening in the corner of the room was in place, but no Drunda. James searched the room for him.
    “Drunda! Drunda, where you at?” James entered the little arched opening, “Drunda! Are you here? He started running for the pile of junk that Drunda pulled in with his air-moving power. James stopped as fast as he could when he got to it; making him slide across the floor. James ended up standing right in front of Drunda making James jump and he had to re-fix his glasses resting on his nose so he could see strait. “Oh! There you are! What took you so long!”
    “You woke me.” Drunda answered.
    “What do you mean?”
    “I was sleeping”
    “Oh. Well, I came to see you.”
    James and Drunda walked back from the hallway leading back to the entrance. James looked back at Drunda and said, “what is it like having to stay in here for so long? And how long have you been here?”
    “I have been here for about 5,000 earth years.”
    James looked at Drunda in awe. “Your that old! How are you not dead yet. That’s crazy!”
    Well, Irains live a lot longer than Humans. The time we live depends on how strong we are. Some of us live to be eternal, or at least everyone used to be…” Drunda’s face began to sadden.
    “What? What’s wrong?” said James.
    “Oh, nothing. Just remembering what happened long, long ago.”
    “What happened Drunda, I want to know!”
    “It’s a long story, maybe some other time”
    They both entered the small, arched opening. Drunda had to duck way down low to make it threw it. Then, James saw all the gold. “Tell me something about the gold, about your life, what really happened. Tell me every thing, I want to learn now!”
    Drunda jumped back from James ‘cus of his anger. “Gosh, your inpatient!”
James gave Drunda a stern look.
    “Ok, are you shirr you want to know. This could take all day,” Drunda said.
    “Yes, I’m shirr.”
    “Fine. I’ll tell you the story, but you have to listen. It’s very important.” Drunda sat back to relax and looked off into the distance to remember the long gone past, “Ah hem, well, it all started in a far away place in space…

*           *           *

Three men, Drogzvog, Shanteway, and Drunda all sat in a mighty ship flying light speed into space. Drogzvog was a mighty beast. He was the strongest in the Universe but was evil inside. Shanteway was much different than Drunda. His voice was high, he was very stupid, and was afraid of getting heart. No one liked this little miniature rat ‘cus he was very annoying. Now, Drunda was wise. He had a wife back at Ira who was pregnant. Drunda missed her dearly. He knew he couldn’t see the baby when it arrived.
    The Irains called themselves by there last name instead of their first.
    Your probably wondering why three random guys are hanging out in a space ship way out in space They’re on a journey. Their task was to find a special diamond in space. They called it a diamond race. When someone touches this diamond the get a special power. It turns everyone stupid. It might sound dumb, but it’s quite powerful. Right now, every single thing with a brain can use 100% of their brain (right now you are only using 15% of it). The farther you are from the diamond when someone touches it, the dumber you are and the less amount of your brain you can use.
    Drogzvog looked of at the distant space. Drunda knew that evil was in Drogzvog’s eyes. Drogzvog started to talk, “I can feel it in my bones, we are getting closer to the diamond. Pretty soon the power will be ours.”
    Many Earth days passed as they waited. They neither knew when or where they would find the diamond.
    A low rumble came from the outside of the space ship waking everyone up. The rumble got louder and louder as seconds passed. Then, the ship got out of course, tumbled around in space. The ship still took the impact and didn’t brake.
    “We are being attacked!” screamed Shanteway as he ran around in circles.
    “Prepare yourselves and fight back!” yelled Drunda.
    Everyone quickly jumped out of the ship from its door and flew out using there minds to control them self. Only one of them has wings, Shanteway. They are small, only long enough to rap around its fat and short body. These wings weren’t meant for flying but for slowly falling to rescue him if he fell from too high, but he didn’t need his wings ‘cus he was in zero gravity.

    They all looked around the space ship but no one was there. It wasn’t even a crater. Suddenly, something caught Shanteway’s eyes. A large object floated it the distance. It was almost invisible because it was black but had just enough light from the ship to see it. Finally Shanteway realized, it was the diamond.
    Shanteway started to fly over to the diamond without saying a word; he wanted to be the first one to touch it for self-pride. The diamond kept moving away in a constant path across space. Shanteway was just quick enough reach it but slowly progressed closer as it got further away. Now Shanteway was about half way there when Drogzvog and Drunda saw him. They both chased after him.
    “No! I want to be the first to touch it!” yelled Drogzvog.
    Shanteway was close enough to reach it. He put out his hand and touched.
    Drogzvog and Drunda shaded their eyes like the diamond was going to shine brightly, enough to blind them.
    Shanteway still opened his eyes wide in amazement with the diamond in front of him.
    “What?” Shanteway asked himself looking at his hands, “Nothing happened!”
    Finally, Drogzvog and Drunda made it to the diamond with him. “Nothing was supposed to happen to us, only to everyone else.” Drogzvog reminded him.
    “Our mission is over.” Drunda said, “We can all use 100% of our brain and we can all become a god if we kill everyone else. We can work as a team effort to kill everyone. This will make it easy for us. C’mon, let’s go back to the ship.”
    They all did and had a party with lots of food. They sat at a round table so they would face each other.
    Drogzvog served the food on the table and they ate. Later on Drogzvog said he had to go to the bathroom and he did. When he came back, Shanteway’s and Drunda heads were blown off. He had poisoned their food with Irainite before serving it. Drogzvog laughed an evil laugh.
    They wont become a god! I will kill everyone myself and only I will be the god. Hahahaha!”
    Drogzvog raced back to Ira in his enormously fast spaceship. He found Ira on his planet-tracking device. On his way, he saw that Mars and earths moon had been diminished because they were too far away from the diamond when Shanteway touched the diamond. Earth was right on the edge of despair but was still barely close enough to survive.
    Drogzvog landed on Ira. The doors opened and he walked out. To Drogzvog, all the people looked as stupid as rats. All there memory was lost except for the things that only took 40% of their brain. That’s all the Irains could use. Some looked helpless yelling: What was I just doing? Where am I?
    They still knew all about the diamond race, that Drogzvog was searching for it. They were like hated but famous celebrities so they asked, “Where is Drunda and Shanteway? Um… oh no… you found the diamond and killed the others? Gulp.” The person said.
    “Yes, and you’ll be the next on the menu!” Drogzvog grabbed him by the neck and threw him on the nearest wall, cracking his neck open.
     “Who wants to die next!” Drogzvog threw a deadly chunk of Irainite at a crowd and it blew them up in a second.
    Suddenly, someone else’s Irainite hit Drogzvog. It wasn’t enough force to knock him to the ground so he turned around so see who it was. Obviously, it was the only person who was still standing behind him and shivering in fear. Drogzvog got ready to throw the next piece of Irainite when he got hit again. This time it was a whole mob of people. Soon, people tied cuffs around his hands strong enough that he couldn’t break free. A shield went around his whole body. One person had a device that controlled the shield and Drogzvog in it, to move. Drogzvog knew exactly where they were going, the dungeon. This dungeon had high walls, lava shot out from the sides; the top had a shield so he couldn’t fly out. Then he knew, he was stuck there forever…

*           *           *

    “Wow, so that’s what happened.” James said, “I don’t get some things though. Why did they want Drogzvog to die?”
    “If Drogzvog dies, then someone else can get the chance to become god. That’s the whole purpose in life.”
    “And you kept saying Drunda. But them you said he dies. Your not dead.”
    “Drunda is my dad. He killed my dad!”
    “Oh, I’m sorry… What was his first name?”
    James looked at his watch. “I have to get back home. I can hear the rest of the story later”

copy write date 2010

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