Book discription

short summary on only what I will write on blogger: Gold, aliens, superpowers, bad guys, what more do you want? When a kid named James finds aliens, he gets there superabilities and there looks. He can also change from a human to an alien and back whenever he wants. James was showing the city his superabilities, another alien gets in his way and plans to take over the world. Does James save the world from ending or will this be his last day on Earth? Read this mindblowing adventure from your soon-to-be favorite author, Reuben Hopper, to find out.

short sumary on the whole book (I am only writing some of it on blogger):For those who think life is just to be the most popular kid at school, get rich, or to be happy for what you've done. what you think... is wrong. Life is about a race... a kind of race that will determin the next god of a Universe. A test of skills, determination, and pure power. It's not just any race... it's a diamond race...



go to the bottom

The first chapter is on the bottom!!! dont start from the top!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

CHAPTER ONE- sea in the sand

    James gripped his baseball tight in his hands. Standing in his back yard, he took in a deep breath, threw it straight in air, swung the bat, and missed. Everything he did, he knew was a fail. Things just didn't turn out the he wanted then to. So he fell to the ground, curled into a tight ball, and let the world fade from his mind. All he wanted to think of was the bad things of his life.
    “Why do I have to be such a loser,” James thought, “and a geek?” He stood up, taking his ball and bat in hand. “I only have one friend. And who is he? A geek… Just like me” Throwing the ball in the air again, he thought, why can’t I be someone special? Then, with out even thinking to aim for the ball, he swung. The bat made a loud clacking sound, hitting its target. He looked up and saw that he had finally succeeded. It flew high in the air; farther than he had imagined.
    It felt good for a while, till it all went wrong again. A giant steel wall, twenty feet high, stood at the borders of his back yard. Behind it was nothing but cursed dunes that piled over like a dessert monster. Its winds blew at fierce miles that could knock over anything in its path.
    The gate was there to stop it from taking over everything else that lived near the dunes. Without the wall, his house would have been wrecked years ago, and his ball just landed behind it.
    Crap, I better not lose that ball, James thought and openned the gate.
    As soon as it peeped open it felt like the whole world was filled with sand. It rushed in his face, forcing him to close his eyes. Every step felt like he was moving a truck. He put a foot in the sand and already felt himself sinking in.
    These sand dunes weren't like any ordinary sand dunes. These ones had to have be cursed by some crazy monster that had no respect for anyone in the world. You see, wind doesn't just happen to be in places like this for no reason. Something has to cause it. It could be just a coincidence but scientists say it had to do with the heating of the sand and difference in temperatures but James thinks that's just a bunch of baloney.
    Many things have been lost in the sand dunes. If you put something in them they will eventually get pulled under. He doesn't get how that works either.
    James cracked his eyes open a tad bit so he he could see but not enough to where it splintered his eyes. He had glasses which protected his eyes a little bit but it also caused him to have to wipe them off every few seconds.
    James looked on the ground for the ball but didn't see it any where. It had already sunken into the sand.
    James opened the gate to his back yard and walked into his house. He slumped into his nice leather couch and pondered over everything the had happened lately... imaginary or not. He looked up to see his mom coming down stairs with loads of laundry.
    James took a deep breath and said," Mom, I lost my baseball in the sand dunes".
    “You know, you should be more careful around those dunes," his mom said like it was a punishment.
    "Ya, sure," James said without caring.

In the morning, school arrived. He reluctantly packed his supplies and put them in his backpack. He rode the bus to school every week except for the few times he ran late.
    He arrived at his middle school and waited inside for his one and only friend, Hermit. Hermit was not his real name. He's been called that ever since he was little because of his high pitched croky voice that is extreamly annoying. Hermit has never been bothered by his nick name. He is actually proud of it because  he doesn't know that its a bad thing to have a voice like his. He almost always looks at the bright side of things and is a little too proud of himself considering how different he is.
     Hermit entered the door quickly locating James; together they walked to their first class. As they walked James could only look at one thing, or rather person, Jessica. He stared long and hard as she passed. It was like nothing else was there. Just him and her, until a fist pounded into his stomach, which made him realize what was around him.
     "Stop staring!” Hermit hissed. "Listen, I know you like her but you're NEVER GOING TO GET A DATE!"
    "Quiet down!" James looked around to make sure no one was listening.
    "I will talk as loud as I want. Now, try thinking about something valuable in life,” Hermit beamed a smile like a crescent moon “Like chess!”
    "Really Hermit? There are better things than that. Why don't you try getting out of your obsession?"
    "Hey, you like the game too!"
    "Ya, but I'm not obsessed like you are."
    James arrived to class and plopped down in his assigned seat. Mr. Fragens, the teacher, came in and said, "Everyone, I am giving you a test. Finish it QUIETLY."
    “Why do they always yell the word quietly?” James pondered, trying to keep his thoughts on at least something school related, rather than on the girl he’d prefer to be thinking about.
    Mr. Fragens handed out the exam to all the kids and James started writing. Five minutes into the test, something started poking his back. James twisted around to find that Kaden, one of his worst enemies, was tapping him with the lead of his pencil.
    "Stop Kaden," James muttered and turned back around. Turning, James went back to work. Within seconds Boozer continued poking. James' hand shot up in the air like a speeding bullet.
    "Yes James?" Mr. Fragens asked.
    "Kaden keeps jabbing me with his pencil and won’t stop!"
    "Well, did you ask him to stop?" His teacher said sounding bored.
    Mr. Fragens sighed. "Kaden, go sit by the wall and don't look back." Kaden cooperated with the punishment.
    James went back to work, as did the rest of the class. James finished the last problem and turned his paper in to the pile at the front of the room.
    The between-class bell rang, and everyone rushed to the door. His second class he shared with both Hermit and Jessica. James had horrible grades in this class because for one thing he all ways passed notes to Hermit, and on top of that he couldn’t keep his eyes off Jessica. He sat down in his chair and got out a piece of paper.
    James wrote: "Remember, chess club at 4:00. Don't forget to come to my house!" James folded the note and handed it to Hermit.
    Mrs. Teacher came around to pass out corrected papers. Noticing, Hermit quickly hid the scrap in his desk. James looked at his grade, he got a C. Hermit got a B. Hermit looked over at James’ grade and laughed, "That’s what happens when you fantasize about girls."
    "Psht. I can do what I want!" James countered, and inclined his head to look at Jessica. Jessica had big, attractive blue eyes and blond hair that looked nicely combed, long, and shiney. She dressed with expensive clothes that were very popular and had a perfect tan. Her smile was cute and shone very glamorousely every time she laughed.
    Jessica saw James staring at her. Her smile was brought up again as she took out a piece of paper and began writing a secret note.
    “Is Jessica really starting to like me?” James thought, his pulse quickened with anticipation. Then, Jessica crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it at James face. Hermit snorted with laughter and Jessica quickly turned around like nothing happened.
    "Did you just throw that at James face?!" Mrs. Teacher more stated than asked "Go to 'step one'!" “Step one” was the same discipline Boozer took in first period. Jessica shot James a death glare as she passed on her way to the back of the room.
    James looked at the piece of paper Jessica thrown at him and picked it up off the ground. Unrolling it, all he saw were an abundance of squiggly lines going up and down. “So much for Jessica liking me” James thought.
    The bell rang signaling that it was time for lunch. The rest of the day was normal, nothing interesting happened. He slowly meander home on his bike only to find his mom in the kitchen and his dad down stairs working on the computer. She asked him everyday the same question, "How was your day at school, Sweety?". He replied like always and said fine. Then she asked her following questions that he was prepared for, "What did you guys do?". Again the usual answer came pouring out of his mouth as slow as molasses.
    "Nothing." He climbed up the stairs and closed the door waiting for Hermit to show up.
    James read a book, bored, until Hermit knocked on his door for chess club.

copy write date 2010 

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