Book discription

short summary on only what I will write on blogger: Gold, aliens, superpowers, bad guys, what more do you want? When a kid named James finds aliens, he gets there superabilities and there looks. He can also change from a human to an alien and back whenever he wants. James was showing the city his superabilities, another alien gets in his way and plans to take over the world. Does James save the world from ending or will this be his last day on Earth? Read this mindblowing adventure from your soon-to-be favorite author, Reuben Hopper, to find out.

short sumary on the whole book (I am only writing some of it on blogger):For those who think life is just to be the most popular kid at school, get rich, or to be happy for what you've done. what you think... is wrong. Life is about a race... a kind of race that will determin the next god of a Universe. A test of skills, determination, and pure power. It's not just any race... it's a diamond race...



go to the bottom

The first chapter is on the bottom!!! dont start from the top!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

CHAPTER 9 - Atack on the Castle

    James went back to the alien den to hear the rest of the story.
    Drunda shared his story to James, “this part of the story is about a war, a war between the Indians and the Irains. Now your probably thinking that would be really easy for the aliens to win, but this war was different. It also gives you some history on what really happened in early America, before the English came…

* * *

    A man from Spain in 1492 was sitting at his hard, wooden chair at his small, stone house looking up at his beautiful, fine sword that he valued. His name was Gordon Parker. He had won it on a very lucky hand of poker. This sword changed his life forever and the whole Universe within it.
    As he looked at the sword he had only one thought on his mind: money. He took fencing lessons since he was just a baby from his father.
    Gordon’s father passed away when he was 15 because his neck got cut off after he broke a very stricken law by the government. He still practiced after his father died and grew very strong. He practiced every single day in revenge because, he, was going to kill the King of Spain with a sword stabbing into the king’s neck. If he did this he must take all the kings money and keep it for himself.
    Gordon took the sword of his shelf and smoothed his fingers across the blade. It felt good in his hands; perfect balance, weight, strength, and incredibly sharp.
    He shall attack at night when they are tired, kill the guards, and end the kings life at once.
    Gordon sleep long during the day so he wouldn’t be tired during the night. As he got up at two o’ clock in the morning he looked out his window. All was as silent as a mouse. He sneaked outside of his house with the sword in his belt. It was completely dark because no lights shown.
    Gordon could see the out linings of the giant castle already as he moved closer. A fence peered around the outside. He started to climb slow and silent. One leg crossed to the other side, then the next. He took one step down and then slips. His legs hit the ground but the whole fence vibrated with noise.
    “Who’s there?” shouted a voice from behind.
    A guard was slowly approaching Gordon. He had been seen.
    “What are you doing?” he said again and called two more guards forward.
    “Um, I was, uh, giving some items to the king!” Gordon lied.
    “But you have no items. What could you be giving to the king without any items?”
    But Gordon didn’t have any answer to this so he replied by taking out his sword. He sliced the closest person to him in the arm he the guard let out a scream. The other two had taken out their swords too. Now this fight was in for a challenge!
    Guard #1 raised his sword in the air trying to chop him in half but Gordon was too fast. He shielded himself with his own sword above his head.
    Guard #2 swiped for his feet but Gordon jumped over the blade. Gordon took a step right, dodging Guard #1’s blade by a hair as it swooshed in front of his nose.
    Guard #1, a more bulky man, attacked again with all his might at Gordon’s waist and he blocked it with his sword. The impact was so hard it knocked him to the ground and he landed on his back. Guard #2’s legs were in view so Gordon swiped his sword as quickly as he could (which is quite fast) at his legs followed by other loud scream as he fell to the ground.
    Guard #2 came down on top of him with his sword aiming to cut off his face but Gordon put up his sword and shielded his face. The two men were about equal strength. They had a war to see whom’s strength would fail them first and whoever did, would die. Gordon had a cheat: the nifty In-case-of-an-emergency belt knife. Gordon had to let go of the sword with one hand to reach for the knife which could make him stumble and the sword would go through his face or he could take the long way and could possibly win the battle. So it was either risky but if went right would kill Guard #2 instantly or the safe but little chances. But Gordon was into risk, which had gotten him the sword in the beginning. So he reached for the knife. The sword got an inch away from his face before had stabbed the knife right into his side. Guard #2’s eyes widened in horror as he became limp.
    Gordon rolled him over to the side, took his sword, and threw it at the other guard who was starting to get back up. He pulled the knife out of the guard’s side and wiped the blood on the grass.
    Gordon was so tired he decided to rest on the ground for a few minutes before getting back up and head for the castle doors.
    The castle door was completely locked so that no one could enter. Gordon was very smart. He knew how to do things that were complicated and turn them into easy tasks.
    Gordon looked for some sort of rust or crack in the door. This resembled a week spot that he could brake through. It will be loud but he didn’t need stealth any more. Now was the time for pure action.
    At last he found it: a long crack ran down the wall. Over half of the sections wood was torn off – possibly by an attack of some sort that had hit the door long ago. On the top and bottom of the crack was a large line of rust that could be easily bashed through if forced.
    Gordon stepped back for a running start, ran forward, and jumped up in the air with one kicking foot out in front of him. His foot hit the wall with tremendous force and bashed through. About six guards jumped in surprise as they all turned to face him.
    The castle had nice purple rugs lying on the ground. There were knights armor standing straight like someone was in them but they were just decoration. The room was wide and almost a perfect square. At the end of the room was a staircase leading upstairs. High above to the left was an opening wall of a room with a railing on its edge.
    There were too many guards. Gordon had to take a run for it up the stairs. The guards charged, and Gordon ran. One guard was about to charge into him. Gordon put his sword up to block his body as they clanked swords into each other.
    Gordon still ran for his life toward the stairs as a stream of guards chased after him. The run up the stairs was tiring. He had to jump in order to dodge a sword from behind him.
    At the top of the stairs was a hallway with two doors. Just as he passed one door a guard jumped out of it. Luckily for him, the guard ran into the other guards and made them tumble around into each other. This gave Gordon an extra seven feet in front of the others.
    At the end of the hallway there was a door. Gordon made a mad dash for it and closed it as fast as he could. A latch was on the wall near him. As he quickly looked at the construction he figured out it was a lock. He pulled down on the lever and a giant metal lock went over it just in time before all the guards crashed into the door.
    Gordon turned around to see a curved staircase and two doors. The two doors were both locked – that left one option: the stairs.
    By now Gordon couldn’t run. He was very tired. He sat back down again then got up.
    Gordon twisted around the stairs panting wildly. At the top of the staircase there was a bedroom. A very expensive bedroom. It had a king sized bed, large paintings on the wall of people he didn’t recognize. To the left was an opening in the wall. Could it be? This was the same room he saw from down below in the entrance! Gordon looked over the railing and saw all the guards back in their places.
    He didn’t notice before but there was a door at the end of the room. It required some sort of key that was probably held by the king. Gordon leaned his side against the door and looked forward at the wall to his side to think. He would have to kill him first and then take the key from him. But where could he be?
    An ax had been thrown strait in front of his face. He had to focus his eyes to see it clearly.
    I guess that answered his question. Gordon turned around to see the king standing right at the doorway, sword drawn.
    “Do you really think your that great? You’re a fool - trying to get into my castle? No one can get past all my guards” The king mocked him.
    “I already have!”
    “That’s what you think. You’ve only been in part of the castle. I have thousands of guards. And may I ask? What are you doing in my castle? Is there something you want? What ever it is, you’re not going to get it. You shall die first!”
    “Well, I guess we’ll have to see!”
    The king jumped forward and attacked Gordon. Gordon blocks the blow with his own sword and he attacked again and it was blocked too.
    Now they were both attacking each other: up, down, left, and right. Attack by attack they fought.
    Gordon swung for the king’s legs but he jumped over the sword. The king made a strait aim to stab Gordon’s chest. Gordon put his sword out to the base of the sword before the blade got to him. He slid his sword up the other sword toward its tip. At the same time circling his sword around and around. Then, Gordon made a yank from his sword. The friction forced the kings sword out of his hands and it flew toward the wall with the room’s entrance door. The king made a mad dash for his sword. He grabbed the sword and stood up but Gordon threw his nifty In-case-of-an-emergency belt knife at the king. It spun in the air and landed right at his hart, blood oozing out.
    The king looked known at the knife and said his last words, “you shall regret this! Y-y-you…” the king chuckled with hate before his head dropped dead.
    Gordon put down his sword and started searching the king’s pockets. When he got to one pocket and put it inside out, something flew out: the key. Gordon looked at it like he had found an expensive diamond. He looked back at the locked door behind him and walked toward it. The key fit perfectly in the hole. He turned it and heard something unlatch. He pulled on the door and it opened.
    Behind the door were five large railroad carts and they were all filled with gold – lots of gold. Gordon fell to his knees and almost cried with joy. He rubbed his hands on the gold and hugged it. “HAHA! THIS IS ALL MINE!” Gordon rejoiced. But how was he supposed to get it out of the castle to his house?
    Gordon looked around the dim room. The walls hadn’t been painted. Gordon noticed a strait crack in the wall. The crack shaped a complete square, big enough that the crates of gold could fit threw in between it easily. Near the square was some fastened rope that looped around a wheel hinged to the ground. The two ends of the rope leaded out side.
    Gordon grabbed the rope and pulled down on it. The square started to lift on the bottom and was hinged on the top. It was a door… and it leaded outside.
    When Gordon opened the door all the way up to where it hit the wall outside of them, some thing clinked and the gold carts started to move on the tracks heading outside. The first one came to the edge and started to slant downwards because the track goes down like a roller coaster.
    Gordon had to hurry out of the room. He went back to where he killed the king and saw a rope hanging down from the sealing from a hook on the other side of the railing.
    Gordon looked through the king’s cloths again and found a coin. This could be used as a distraction. Gordon took the coin and chucked it at the stairs. He saw the guards moving toward the coin in curiosity.
    Gordon grabbed on to the rope and took it off the hook. He looked for the hinge that it was hung up upon. It was right above the big crack he made earlier in the entrance door.
    Gordon grabbed the rope with all his grip and strength and jumped off the railing. He started to fall until the rope tightened up with his weight. All the guards looked in his direction as one yelled, “Get him!” and they all charged.
    The rope swung, as everything seemed to be in slow motion like he was going to die. Gordon closed his eyes. The rope started to swing forwards then it made a dramatic tug. Gordon couldn’t hold on any more, he slipped off and fell so he had to open his eyes. Gordon landed on the ground and rolled to break the fall.

    He looked at the ground and to his sudden relief, saw grass. He had made it threw the hole. He wanted to dance but then he saw the crowd of soldiers trying to get threw the hole. There was a traffic jam, which slowed down the presses.
    He started to run and only Gordon knew where. He saw the crates of gold still moving along the train track.
    He looked back and he knew the king was right; there were more soldiers than he thought. Like, thousands of them, all chasing toward him.
    None of the soldiers knew their king had died. It would have been better if they did because they were all slaved and had to work for the king or their life would be finished. If they knew he had died then they wouldn’t care if Gordon ran off. Unless they wanted all the gold for themselves.
    One of the guards shouted, “He’s going to jump over the cliff!” There had been a cliff in front of him, and the guard was half right, and only Gordon knew why.
    Gordon was at the end of the cliff and he jumped.
    The guards looked down and saw lots of strong string and on top of it lay a platform. The guards looked lower and there they saw Gordon. He hadn’t fallen strait to the bottom. He was holding on to a hang glider, floating across the sky. The guards were amazed.
    “Wow, what a crazy invention!” said one guard.
    “That man is ingenious!” said another.
    Gordon saw his hoarse at the bottom of the cliff. It was brown and white and very powerful. Gordon wanted to land beside it.
    He was hanging on by just his hands. Two strings dangled down next to his feet that where connected to foot holders. These where used to lift the front end of the wing and slow it down. If he didn’t get his feet in the holder he would fall to fast and crash.
    Gordon tried to get his feet in but couldn’t. Would he not be able to do this and fail his task? He had to try harder. He tried and tried but couldn’t quite get his feet in. His muscles were getting tired and couldn’t hold on much longer.
    He had to relax, take deep breathes, and concentrate. He slowly moved his foot forward and it slipped in. Now the next one would be easier, and it was. He quickly slipped his foot in.
    Gordon pressed down on his feet and the wings tilted like planned. He felt himself slowdown. The muscles in his arms relaxed as he took in a deep breath of fresh air.
    Gordon landed softly on the dirt ground and climbed on his hoarse and rode back up the cliff. He had finally escaped the guards, killed the king, and got his fathers revenge.

copy write date 2010